473 research outputs found

    Modelling Methods for the Highly Dispersive Slinky Spring: A Novel Musical Toy

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    ABSTRACT The 'Slinky' spring is a popular and beloved toy for many children. Like its smaller relatives, used in spring reverberation units, it can produce interesting sonic behaviors. We explore the behavior of the 'Slinky' spring via measurement, and discover that its sonic characteristics are notably different to those of smaller springs. We discuss methods of modeling the behavior of a Slinky via the use of finite-difference techniques and digital waveguides. We then apply these models in different structures to build a number of interesting tools for computer-based music production

    Auditointiraportti kunnallisvaalien sähköisen äänestyksen pilotista

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    Oikeusministeriö tiedusteli Turun yliopiston matematiikan laitokselta syksyllä 2007 halukkuutta auditoida kunnallisvaaleissa lokakuussa 2008 käytettävä sähköisen äänestyksen pilottihanke. Auditoinnin toteutti laitoksen FUNDIM-keskuksen kokoama työryhmä prof. J. Karhumäen johdolla. Työhön käytettiin yli 10 henkilötyökuukautta. Auditointiraportti on esitetty tässä lyhentämättömänäSiirretty Doriast

    The Threat of Marriage Fraud: A Story of Precarity, Exclusion, and Belonging

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    Migrants can obtain permanent residency in Canada under the family-reunification category set out in s. 12(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Canadian citizens or permanent residents may apply to sponsor their non-citizen spouse, common law or conjugal partner, or other relatives to move to Canada pursuant to s. 117(1)(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). The bad-faith clause under s. 4(1) of the IRPR requires spousal-sponsorship applicants to prove to visa officers that, on a balance of probabilities, their relationship is “genuine” and not “entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the [IRPA]”. The bad-faith clause is meant to prevent so-called marriage fraud: the idea that migrants, hoping to take advantage of the family-reunification regime, trick vulnerable Canadians into marriage and then subsequently abandon them once they have obtained citizenship status. Drawing on the work of feminist, anti-racist, and anti-colonial scholars, this paper argues that the construction of marriage fraud as a threat to national security rationalizes an increasingly exclusionary spousal-sponsorship regime post 9/11. Focusing on this “threat” detracts from the insidious naturalization of the neo-liberal, hetero-patriarchal, and white settler–colonial values that animate the exclusionary nature of family class migration—values that pre-date the recent moral panic over marriage fraud. This paper concludes by sounding a cautionary bell: Canadians must be wary of the ongoing reproduction and sedimentation of exclusionary values that give meaning to legal constructions of family because they reinforce and perpetuate experiences of precarity among migrants who live on the underside of global capitalism

    The sexual marketing of eastern european women through internet pornography

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    Since the split of the Soviet Union, sexuality in Eastern Europe has developed a new direction in the growth of the sex industry on the Internet. Pornographic images of Eastern European women are internationally available through the Internet. This research analyzes how Russian and Ukrainian women are sexually marketed through Internet pornography. The Internet provides such images of women for economic purposes. The Internet advertises these women and their bodies as sexually available, and suggests that women\u27s bodies have an economic value. These images help contribute to the sex industry by marketing these women as sexual objects and commodities. This study contributes an analytical observation of pornographic images that are used to advertise Eastern European women and help fuel the sex industry through modern technology

    Using spatial statistics to investigate within-trial correlations of human gaze positions

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    Managing the move to the cloud – analyzing the risks and opportunities of cloud-based accounting information systems

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    The accounting industry is being disrupted by the introduction of cloud-based accounting information systems (AIS) that allow for a more efficient allocation of work between the accountant and the client company. In cloud-based AIS, the accountant and the client company as well as third parties such as auditors can simultaneously work on the data in real time. This, in turn, enables a much more granular division of work between the parties. This teaching case considers Kluuvin Apteekki, a small pharmacy business whose owner faces critical management decisions on how to embrace this new opportunity to move to the cloud. Students are guided to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of cloud computing in the specific context of accounting services. Also, the owner must make a set of critical decisions concerning which tasks to outsource The accounting process comprises of several tasks and sub-tasks, adding to the complexity of the decision making problem. The main learning outcome of the case is related to the development of the skills and competencies needed in creating a strong business case for implementing IT-enabled business processes.Non Peer reviewe

    Toimintaterapeuttien työnkuvaus osaksi perehdytyskansiota Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaalan nuorisopsykiatrian poliklinikalle ja osastolle

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    Opinnäytetyö oli työelämälähtöinen kehittämistyö, joka koostui kahdesta osasta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli toimintaterapeuttien työnkuvan rakentaminen poliklinikalle ja osastolle sekä perehdytysrungon rakentaminen perehdytyskansioon, johon päädyttiin toimeksiantajan toiveesta. Asianmukainen perehdytyskansio sekä toimintaterapeuttien työnkuvaukset toteutettiin tiiviissä yhteistyössä toimeksiantajan ja yhteistyökumppanin kanssa. Työn toimeksiantajana toimi Pohjois-Karjalan sairaanhoito- ja sosiaalipalvelujen kuntayhtymän nuorisopsykiatrian poliklinikka. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehdytyskansion ja työnkuvauksien avulla lisätä yksikön yhteistyön ja toiminnan sujuvuutta sekä selkeyttää eri ammattiryhmien käsityksiä toistensa työnkuvista. Lisäksi opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tarjota tuki uudelle työntekijälle ja hänen perehdyttäjälleen sekä klinikan toimintaan osallistuvalle moniammatilliselle työryhmälle. Aikaisempaa perehdytyskansiota poliklinikalla ei ole, vaikka tarve sille on ollut suuri. Tiedonhankintamenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja haastatteluiden purkamisessa sekä aineistojen rakentamisessa käytettiin apuna aineistolähtöistä ja teoriapohjaista sisällönanalyysiä. Kehittämistyön toteutusta ohjasi toimintaterapianimikkeistö. Toimintaterapianimikkeistö on olennainen osa toimintaterapian teoriaa ja käytäntöä, jonka yksi tärkeimmistä tehtävistä on luokitella toimintaterapeuttien ammattialan työn sisältöä. Toimintaterapianimikkeistön avulla suunniteltiin haastattelun teemat. Lisäksi se antoi mahdollisuuden suunnitella ja toteuttaa toimintaterapeuttien työnkuvauksien rakentamisen laaja-alaisesti ja selkeästi. Perehdytyskansion ja toimintaterapeuttien työnkuvauksien arvioinnissa hyödynnettiin vapaamuotoista mielipidekyselyä. Palautteen jälkeen materiaalit muokattiin. Materiaalit lähetettiin toimeksiantajalle myös sähköisenä versiona, jotta niiden ajan tasalla pitäminen ja tulostaminen olisi helppoa.This thesis was a work-oriented development, which consists of two parts. The purpose of the thesis was to construct the occupational therapists’ job descriptions for the outpatient clinic and department as well as to produce work orientation outline as a part of the orientation folder, which was the wish of the employer. The main objective was to offer support and carry out an appropriate orientation folder as well as put together occupational therapists’ job descriptions in close cooperation with the employer and the cooperation partner. This task was assigned by the the outpatient clinic of adolescent psychiatry of Honkalampi centre at North Karelia Central Hospital. The aim of the thesis was with the help of the orientation folder and job descriptions to increase the fluidity of the cooperation and action in the unit, as well as to clarify the various professional groups in the perceptions of each other`s work images. In addition, the aim of the thesis was to provide support for the new employee and his mentor as well as for the multiprofessional working group which are involved in the activities of the clinic. There was not a previous orientation folder in the outpatient clinic even though the need of this has been wide. The theme interview was used as the data acquisition method, and in the analysis and in the construction of the interviews, data-oriented and theory-oriented content analysis was used. Occupational Therapy Classification was chosen for the framework in the implementation of the development work. Occupational Therapy Classification is an essential part of the occupational therapy theory and practice, the main tasks of which are to define the content of occupational professional work. With the help of Occupational Therapy Classification the themes for the interviews were planned and it gave an opportunity to plan and carry out occupational therapists’ job descriptions pervasively and clearly. An informal opinion poll was used in the assessment of orientation folder and occupational therapists’ job descrip-tions. After the feedback the material was modified. The material was sent to the employer also in an electronic format so that updating and printing of that would be easy.Opinnäytetyöraportin lisäksi olemme tuottaneet yhteistyökumppanille konkreettisen perehdytyskansion